How to help

We are so glad that you want to help reduce plastic use!

Here are some ways to get started:

Contact a restaurant

contact your favorite restaurant or cafe and convince them to ditch single use plastic straws.

You can have them contact for more info.

Change your workplace

Try to implement a program to produce less waste at your work place.

Make a bin where all of the plastic goes instead of the trash. Count all of the plastic items at the end of the week. This will help people realize how much is being thrown away.

Tell your friends

Think about the most « important” person you know in vietnam (local star, government, head of big buisness… ) and introduce our project to them

Go zero waste

Try to replace all of your single use plastic habits with sustainable options. We all need to try our best to reduce plastic waste while also encouraging others to as well.

Contact a school

Contact a local school around you and talk to them about why they should reduce their plastic waste and how they can do it.

You can have them contact for more info.

Send us photos

Send us photos when you use our products or post it on Zero Waste Saigon Facebook Group.

Write about it

Write an article about your experience going zero waste, an article about Zero Waste Saigon or whatever your passion is in this area. You can submit it to us and we could post it or you could publish it yourself.