Why bamboo?
Bamboo is a more sustainable building material than traditional woods.
What does sustainable actually mean? A sustainable material is one that can be farmed indefinitely with no harm to the environment. Bamboo is a more sustainable material because it is 20 times more productive than any wood material on the exact same plot of land.

Bamboo’s environmental benefits come from it’s ability to grow quickly.
In some cases bamboo can grow more than 3 to 4 feet per day. Bamboo is a grass and just like a lawn, when you cut it back it just grows right back. Bamboo can grow more than 7 feet tall every single year. A tree can take 30-50 years to reach full maturity.
Bamboo is better for the environment around it.
Bamboo thrives in most parts of Vietnam without the need for fertilizers, pesticides or even much water. A bamboo grove releases around 35 percent more oxygen into the air than a similar-sized group of trees. It helps to improve soil conditions and prevent erosion along the way.